Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Homemade coupon organizer!

One-Yard Wonders is another one of my favorite books (did I mention that already?) I have a list of projects that I want to make from it.
This past Christmas I asked for a coupon organizer to put my recipes in. I am just a beginner cook, so I didn't need something big, but somewhere I could keep everything together.
I received a blue plastic one that is perfect!

Right after Christmas I saw the pattern for a coupon organizer in this book and just had to make one!

It has ten pockets to keep your coupons in.
I love the accordion pleats to make the pockets!
The pattern is easy, but takes a little time. I made all the different parts one afternoon, and then put it all together the next day.

I know these aren't good pics but I wanted to show you the label holders. (I haven't labeled mine yet)
You can either label the pockets by month, or by category, cleaning products, frozen food, beverages etc...
I found a lot of online labels you can print for free. So it is customizable.

The organizer in the book was made from one color. I wanted to make one out of the green fabric, but I didn't have enough of it for the whole thing. I fixed the problem by adding some cream, and I like the look of the two colors!

I googled homemade coupon organizers in google image and found some really neat ones. My favorite ones were the Isewblog quilted coupon organizers. check them out if you want more ideas.

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